Thursday, April 8, 2010


My parents went away for a week to Cuba, and during that week, I though I could maintain the house just as my mom would if she had been home. However, throughout the week, I realized that I'm not very experienced with the dishwasher or washing machine, nor do I have much passion for house cleaning.
Days later when my parents returned, my mom told me that she only really started to enjoy keeping the house tidy and clean when her and my dad got married and had an unbelievable relationship together. My mom was motivated to do whatever she could to keep make my dad smile, she did it our of love and honor and with a great attitude.
As Christians, the more time and energy we put into our relationship with God, the easier it will be to be motivated to keep our 'house' being our lives, hearts and minds clean and pure for him. It will be an effort that we won't mind putting forth, it will be a sacrifice we won't mind giving up, because it will be out of love honor and passion for our Saviour.