Wednesday, February 10, 2010


In a Society that plays on increasing our wants and desires for trivial worldly things, its sometimes difficult to find contentment in what we do have.

I have found myself in a situation where I have had it figured out in my head as too what I would like it to look like. I have my plan, and what I think is best, and with the situation still unfolding, It has been hard to be content while not knowing if the plan I would like will come to fruition. However it was only today I realized that we will never be content in relying on our own plans, but true contentment is only found in relying and trusting in Gods plans. If we place our lives and trust in him, no matter what the outcome is we know it was apart of his plan for our lives. If we don't get what we want today, look at all we have to be thankful for ! We have no room to complain! God's plan for us today is wonderful, even if it doesn't look exactly like what we pictured. Sometimes we're lucky enough to have both, what we want is what God wants. But when its not, think about who has our lives in his hand. I think he is more than trustworthy, and is more than dependable. He wants nothing but the best for us, and truly does have everything in control. Delight in his plans today, and when you kneel by your bed at night, thank him for what you do have, and what blessings unfolded today.
When we put our own plans aside and trust in Gods, we will be content and have a joy in our hearts that remains no matter what.

- put aside what you think is best
- trust god , and you still may get what you think is best. but if not, his plan is even better.
- in continual daily trust comes stress free contentment and joy knowing that we have the ultimate 'planner' in control of our lives. Someone who sees the full picture when we can't.

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