Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Royal DInner... or Veggies and water

Hello folks!

It has been AWHILE!!

but. after reading my devotions this morning, I felt inspired to share a simple message.

The first chapter in Daniel talks about how King Nebuchadnezzer searched for men who were healthy and handsome, intelligent, and well-educated, good prospects for leadership positions in the government, perfect specimens! and he wanted to indoctrinate them in the Babylonian language and the lore of magic and fortunetelling. The king ordered that they be served from THE SAME MENU AS THE ROYAL TABLE. . . YUM. and then after THREE YEARS of eating this AMAZING food, the king would make his decision on who to have work with him.

So, lets stop here for a second.. You work hard all your life, your intelligent, educated, hardworking, you try to be a leader... then you get this guy, a king, who doesn't really have your best interest in mind wanting to get you all into magic, but he does offer to take care of you for THREE years with the best of foods..

I think most people would take the food, and eat it. At least get one good meal out of it.

But Daniel refused to eat it. " Daniel was determined that he would not defile himself by eating the king' s food or drinking his wine" so he asked if he could eat vegetables and water instead... and he ate VEGETABLES and WATER for THREE YEARS.

So.. eating the meals, wouldn't really be a 'sin' I suppose, but it would be taking something from the enemy, it would be a small step towards the king, and his ways. Daniel was so focused on God and what God was doing in his life that he wouldn't even get the food.

Sometimes the world offers Christian's things that seem harmless, and it can seem as harmless as a royal dinner, but sometimes that leads you down a path of destruction, and really... your better off eating vegetables and water.

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