Friday, November 13, 2009

Sunny Mornings

The past two mornings I have woke up to the sunshine pouring into my window. I like the fact that it forces me to get up, but I had a thought as my reluctant feet hit the cold floor. We need an attitude check. Waking up to God's beautiful sunshine should help remind us of all his blessings. No matter how many things are going wrong in your life, God, the most powerful, is on your side. The bible says we have already won! We need to be thankful for that! So just a short challenge; Next time you get out of bed, try greeting the day with an attitude replicating something of this sort, " I cannot wait to begin my day, I've got a lot of work to do for the lord". Start your day off with a mission statement, and reflect at the end of the day how you fufilled your mission.

Mission Complete? Mission fail majorly?

* And just something to think about*
I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan <3 and one of her songs, "Cold as you" is about her most inconsiderate, cold, passionless, unloving partner. One of the lines in her song says, "You wouldn't have even told no body, if I died for you... DIED for you".

That hit me over the head the other day... Sometimes we are that cold passionless "lover" of christ. . . Whens the last time you told somebody he died for the world. for you and I? Lets not be cold christians.

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